Mediation Training

NVC Mediation Training 27-29 June 2015
We are really excited to be delivering our first NVC Mediation Workshop 27-29 June 2015. As it’s our first, we have decided to offer up some free enrollment goodies. Read on to find out what they are.

There are five ways to find out more about this event:
1. Check out the flyer click here
2. Read the page we have set up that has a lot more detail of what we are covering in this workshop
3. Watch this Utube clip of Ike Lasater talking about the NVC Mediation Model we will be delivering.
4. Call us on 09 849 4732
5. Register and attend our 60-90 Minute skype call where we will deliver a process on how to say connected to life when we are struggling. Plus we will answer questions about the NVC Mediation Training.
6. Keep reading this blog

Where it all began:
Deb and I attended a four-day Mediation Training six years ago when Ike Lasater was in Auckland.

This programme was amazing and we received many benefits and learning. What we discovered was not only did out mediation skills increase, so did our ability to give empathy and how to give empathy to people who have no idea what NVC is and even to those who are not to keen on NVC.

We have been using this model in our couples work and with others who come to us with conflict for the past five years. Combining this training with our combined 18 years of NVC experience, we have found this Mediation Process very effective and life changing.

Manfred’s bio
Manfred is known as a passionate advocate for Agile Methodologies and has worked on large scalable systems for nearly 20 years. As a specialist in real-time trading systems, his roles have included project management of mission critical projects and the introduction of Agile Principles for Europe’s leading financial institutions.
While Agile Principle became mainstream, Manfred was left with the question why those principals got only applied for teams at the bottom of organizations while the rest of the organization would not implement collaborative methods. In 2004 Manfred set out to find a governance model for a better way to lead organizations. He founded several companies as a playground for new leadership models. In 2012 one of his projects got acknowledged as a finalist for The Best Workplace in New Zealand.
Today Manfred’s focus is leadership development, he provides training and coaches the implementation of Holacracy (aka Dynamic Governance, Sociocracy). Furthermore, he offers workshops in mediation and personal self development.
His vision: highly utilised people and collaboration, equivalence while enhancing individual and group effectiveness, help people to truly enjoy ‘Their’ workplaces, leading to excellent and economic viable organizations.

Here is an article that was published in a NZ Business magazine:

AdScale had 35people in CHC and 45 in Munich (in 2012).

Manfred’s Relevent Training History
2012: Certified Holacratic practitioner (organisational governance) (10days),
2012: Sociocracy (organisational governance) (10 days)
2013: NVC training (25 days)
2014: One year Intensive mediation training, 3 x 4 days workshop with John and Ike, plus weekly practice (320hrs)
2014: NVC Training (IIT, Kenneth Cloke) training (30 days)
2015: Certified as a facilitator for the work of byron katie (self-inquiry, similar to CBT) (800hrs training/over 3 years)
2015: Enrolled at Massey University as an extramural student (Graduate Diploma in Business Studies – Dispute Resolution)

As you can see Manfred brings a wealth of experience to this training. Click here to check out and article that was written about Manfred’s company

NVC Mediation Training
NVC Mediation training is like a Next Step Programme in NVC. It teaches us how to stay connected when the going gets tough, how to support friends, colleges and family members when there is conflict, how to give effective empathy anywhere and puts us in touch with a supportive community where we can further practice and share experiences and learn. This is a very clear and structured pathway that allows people to really embrace, understand and effectively use the NVC Model.

Free Giveaways and Goodies
If you enroll in this workshop, you will receive:
1. A copy of Ike Lasater’s book “Words that work in Business”. This is not only a remarkable business book, it is a very useful guide for using NVC everyday with ways to practice and how to use NVC in environments where it can be tricky and not everyone is open to the idea of talking feelings and needs.
2. The “Mediate your life training manual 5th edition.” This is the manual that John Kinyon and Ike Lasater hand out in their trainings. This manual covers everything they cover over the four different workshops they deliver.
Manual details
The Mediate Your Life Immersion Training Programme supports people in mediating conflict between warring parts of themselves, between self and others, and between others. In three workshops spread over ten months, participants learn to:
• Bring more confidence and ease to dealing with conflict in their lives
• Use the Mediate Your Life skills to effectively resolve conflict, heal relationships, and contribute to their own and others well-being
• Help others who are in conflict
The Mediate Your Life Training Manual accompanies the Immersion Program and includes all of the maps and skills covered in the workshops.
Table of Contents:
A Mediate Your Life Approach To Mediating Conflict
Mediating Conflict Conversations Between Others
Temporal Contexts Of Mediation
Other Maps Of The Integral Grid
Professional Development
Practicing Toward Your Goals
3. If your organisation has three people coming along or you can find two other friends to come with you, the third person comes for half price.
4. The first 5 people enrolled and paid will receive a free 90 minute Mediation practice session with Wayne and Deb that we will book in after the workshop takes place

This will be an amazing three-day event. It is limited to 12 participants and will have three trainers facilitating the event. That’s a three to four ratio. Give us a call or email if you wish to enroll.

Much warmth
Wayne, Deb and Manfred