Over the weekend of July 8th, 9th and 10th, 16 of us came together under the them of “Giraffes Just Wanna Play!”
The intention of the weekend was to spend time together, connect, share Training ideas, games and discuss what was important to us.
Friday night saw us gathering for super yummy soup made by Susie and Deb followed by a deep connection circle run by Wayne. We all stood around in a circle and the water, the earth, air and fire surrounded us. We connected, shared where we where at and also were honoured by Angus’ song that he had written for us over the weekend called “Stand Strong”.
Saturday morning, a few of us gathered at 6am to Meditate, followed by Susie leading Yoga. Susie opened the morning by taking us on a walk around the grounds of Sharda. We were asked to walk in Silence. Anna welcomes in the Ancestors and we got to spend time with Halima (the woman who’s vision created Sharda) where here ashes lay.
Over the day we explored offerings of “Design an NVC Workshop”, Parenting, Games with Anna, Games with Wayne & Discussion in regards to how we’d like to engage with the NVC Aotearoa NZ Trust.
Also for the first time in 18 Months, the NVC Aotearoa NZ Trust board met face to face. We celebrated our reconnection and and mourned how challenging it has been to connect via technology.
Dinner was a feast – thanks to Wulf, Scott, Miro and everyone else who contributed. Yummy. We even had a special guest appearance from Akasadaka. Gratitude to Paxe who sang a song to bless the food and the cooks.
After Dinner Deb lead a sharing of our celebrations and our mournings. The Dame Edna Mega Glasses (provided by Susie), and a hat (provided by Anna and worn by Marshall Rosenberg) were handed around.
Later on that night, Odelia led us in Universal Dances of Peace followed by vegetable juggling by Wayne and Karl in the kitchen. Some kind of “juggle off” while we all clapped, cheered and dodged flying veggies. Even a cabbage and cans were part of the extravaganza.
A few of us met again to meditate on Sunday morning, followed by Yoga with Susie. Anna lead us in the opening, asking us to connect with cards. We then had a full group session on Marketing lead by Anna. We played Psycic Giraffes with Wayne, learn about the Infinity Dance Floor with Miro and Jocelyn, and then went into a closing circle where we got to share in pairs our mournings and celebrations, our acknowledgements of each other, to acknowledge our ancestors and also to hear and share in Angus’ song again ( fitting way to end as we started).
We ate lunch together prepared by Phil and Meagan, some of us left to travel home and the others of us got together to share our hopes for the next gathering and completing with a crazy progressive story. We then pitched in to clean Sharda and parted ways (for now).