“Sharing NVC”
With Gina and Cate
15th 16th 17th October 2010
Bella Rakha – Waitakere, Auckland
New Zealand
Are you:
- offering introductory sessions in NVC and/or leading practice groups?
- running other trainings in NVC?
- sharing NVC with friends, family, work colleagues?
- wanting to practice dealing with responses or situations you find difficult when sharing NVC?
- heading towards becoming a certified trainer with CNVC?
We are excited to announce that Gina Lawrie (International Consultant Coach & Certified NVC Trainer from the UK) & Cate Crombie (NVC Certified Trainer & Effectiveness Training Instructor from Australia) are coming to New Zealand to run a 3 day “Sharing NVC” workshop at the Bella Rakha Retreat & Creative Venue in the beautiful Waitakere Ranges of Auckland, New Zealand.
This workshop is designed for people who have participated in 40 hours of NVC Training & who have applied the principles of NVC for a minimum of 6 months.
Deposit: $150 NZD (non refundable unless event is cancelled)
Early bird: $595 NZD (if paid in full before 1st August 2010)
Full price: $690 NZD (if paid after 1st August 2010)
Register your interest on line:
www.nvcnz.info & pre-register to help us plan for this event. An information booklet & registration form can be downloaded from the website.
A confirmation of registration letter will be emailed to you on receipt of registration & deposit. If you have any queries, please contact:
Deb Hipperson
0064 9 849 4732 0064 273410000